Time To De-Bloombergize New York City
S.M. Oliva
In response to the Aurora movie theater killings, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg issued an extraordinary statement. A longtime opponent of the right to self-defense, Bloomberg told a CNN interviewer that police have a moral duty to rebel against the civilian population if they don’t cede their remaining gun rights to the state:
- Barry Yanowitz / Foter
I don’t understand why the police officers across this country don’t stand up collectively and say, ‘We’re going to go on strike. We’re not going to protect you. Unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what’s required to keep us safe.’
This wasn’t a political argument for “gun control” legislation. Bloomberg went on national television and demanded a military coup against a civilian government he deems insufficiently authoritarian. Like Adolf Hitler before him – and yes, I’m going there – he used the Aurora mass murder as a call to arms for his own version of the Beer Hall Putsch. By Bloomberg’s own words, the “safety” of his armed militia is of greater importance than any fundamental rights the citizens may claim. There can no longer be any doubt that Bloomberg is a descendent of the Nazi and Communist ideologies that ravaged Europe during the previous century and linger to this day.
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