Obama Care Will Destroy Jobs

Obama Care Will Destroy Jobs

July 4, 2012

Obama Care Will Destroy Jobs, Small Business Assault from Obama care. Hold on to your socks, the part time hiring of employees will become the new normal.

James Hall
July 4, 2012

Hold on to your socks, the part time hiring of employees will become the new normal. The biggest prohibitive hit against job creation is in full motion. The consequences from Obamacare place a drag on the economy that is undeniable. This mugging of small business will guarantee that the primary engine of employment will sputter and knock, as the federal government forces higher and higher taxes on the last semblance of free enterprise. Click On Image To Make It Bigger

Do not ignore the significance of this seminal moment. Forget about any economic recovery on Main Street. The unemployment stats will be stuck in a permanent loop, as the gross domestic product stagnates, at best. The more likelihood is that the characterized “double dip” recession will experience a full-blown depression. Government’s response will inflate prices in a feeble attempt to stave off deflation retractions.

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