University Of Colorado Hiding James Holmes Information?

University Of Colorado Hiding James Holmes Information?

July 27, 2012

Is the university of Colorado Hiding James Holmes information? Since the James Holmes massacre the university of Colorado has made it’s Neuro Science website private. The university is warning faculty of speaking or revealing anything. After the Virginia tech massacre information flowed out freely to the public. We now know James Holmes received an $26,000 dollar grant for his studies. Would the university get any receipts if James Holmes purchased anything?

University of Colorado Law School
altopower / Foter

Another chilling warning about Shooting suspect James Holmes. Holmes reportedly sent a chilling warning of his plans in a parcel which sat unopened in a university mail room. The package was addressed to a psychiatrist who is also a professor at the university of Colorado where James Holmes was a graduate student. It contained a notebook full of details about how he was going to kill people and appeared to have arrived more than a week before Friday’s mass shooting. Is it common practice to leave mail undelivered for such a long time?

We have more unanswered questions about James Holmes, even a gun range owner knew something was wrong with James Holmes. It seems people are trying to hide information about James Holmes.

Holmes supposedly had explosives throughout his apartment but they still haven’t told us what explosives he had or were they real or fake. None of the explosives have been shown to the press.

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