It’s A Tax
Charlie Daniels
The United States of America took a giant step toward a totalitarian socialist government when the Supreme Court voted to uphold Obamacare, allowing the individual mandate for the government to force American citizens to buy health insurance whether they want to or not.
- Thomas Hawk / Foter
The Supreme Court should have their title changed to the Supreme Proletariat because, they’ve just done away with individual freedom and handed the president the ability to force the people of America to do whatever he decides they should do.
I personally thought it would take one more Supreme Court appointment before it reached the tipping point, but none other than Chief Justice Roberts went to the far left on this one and I have lost any faith I had in the court and feel that myself and people like me have no dependable representation in the federal government.
If they will vote to force people to buy insurance, they will vote to force you to do whatever they please, regardless of how destructive it is to our democracy and our freedoms.
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