And Will Lose Their Freedom
Recent Posts
Joker Suspect Was A Psychiatric Patient
Open war in the South China Sea Yes
UN arms trade deal blocked by key nations
Does Idaho billboard comparing Obama to alleged shooter go too far?
Bounty Hunters Take James Stewart Away For selling Raw Milk
Recent Comments
quoted on
Steve Quayle – HOT HEADLINES: July 26, 2012 « 1blueraven on
James Holmes Wrote And Made Mind Control Programs
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James Holmes Wrote And Made Mind Control Programs « Why Americans Are Dumb « An Alchemist's Journey…. on
James Holmes Wrote And Made Mind Control Programs
quoted on
How The New World Order Was Made | American Police State USA on
New World Order
quoted on
Utopia Mega Regions | Bill Cooper Report on
California High Speed Rail
quoted on
Utopia Mega Regions | Bill Cooper Report on
Obama Secretly Working With Globalist Companies
Why Americans Are Dumb
Why Americans Are Dumb
James Holmes Adult Friend Finder Pictures
July 21, 2012
James Holmes Adult Friend Finder Pictures
James Holmes Adult Friend Finder Pictures
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Search for:
13 Year Old Chinese Boy Has Air Hose Shoved Up Anus
2 Cops Hurt in Fight at "Dark Knight" Bronx Showing
2 Seattle men stopped at border for illegal candy
20 million dollars heavy federal subsidies
21 people treated for burns after firewalk at Tony Robbins appearance
2nd Amendment Ends July 27 2012
3 stabbings prompt warning to homeless to seek shelter at night
461: Workers on Federal 'Disability' Exceed Population of New York City
63 Year-Old Concealed Carry Holder Opening Fire on Would Be Robbers
7 lies in 2 minutes
71 year old man chases off armed crooks
9 year old boy abuses 23 month old at day care
9/11 And The New World Order
Agenda 21
Agenda 21 and the Right to Life
Aids Cure Found?
Allen West Hits socialists Nerve
America needs no more neo-imperial nonsense
American Dream
American Highways Given To Foreign Companies
American Secret Trade Deal TPP
American Slaves
Americans are losing their homes
Americans Future
Americans Power Shown Bearing Arms
Americans Second Great Depression Coming
Americans Subsidise Trains California
Americans Will Be Taxed Per Mile Driven
Americans Will Get RFID Microchip
Americans Will Lose Freedom
Americans Will Work More than 6 Months to Pay Cost of Gov't in 2012
Americans' Confidence in Television News Drops to New Low
Americas Greatest Threat To Freedom Is Democrats
Anaheim Police Shoot More Unarmed Citizens
Army Times Removes Page To Microchip Soldiers
Arpaio calls Congress to move on Obama eligibility
Arpaio: Obama birth record 'definitely fraudulent'
Arpaio: Obama birth record has been tampered with Video
Aurora Bataman Killings Witnesses Say 2 People
Aurora Batman shootings: Police enter suspect's home
Aurora Inmates Want To Kill James Holmes
Australia Carbon Tax Fine 1 Million Dollars If You Complain
Australia Carbon Tax For Dead People
Australia Kicks Off Carbon Tax
Barney Frank join forces to back bipartisan medical marijuana bill
Batman Shooter He Said He Was The Joker
Ben Bernanke Congress Should Take Power From Federal Reserve
Big Brother Scanners Coming Soon
Bikini-clad revelers at New York's trendy roof-top pool parties driving neighbors mad
Bloomberg Attacks Second Amendment
Bloomberg The Dictator Of New York City
Bounty Hunters Take James Stewart Away For selling Raw Milk
Bunker Buster
By Standers Walk Past Dead Man Hit By Car
California High Speed Rail
Canada Cashless Society
Canada Free Masons Biometric Children
Canadians Now Richer Than Americans
Cash-strapped Argentine town pays employees by raffle
Central Banks
Central banks Cause The Worlds Misery Stupid
Chevy Volt Out Sales Nissan Leaf
China Agenda 21 Propaganda
China's Ghost Cities Brilliant
Chuck Schumer First Amendment is not absolute
Cold Blooded Murder
Cop Block
Cost of ObamaCare: Obama Care Cost
Costs Taxpayers Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars Per Car
Crimes Of The TSA
D.C. officer allegedly made threatening comments about first lady
Damning Report Alleges NYPD Consistently Violated Rights Of Occupy Protestors
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Threatens Americans With IRS
Debunked: Obamacare RFID Chip Implant Law Hoax
Democrats Dont Care About The Poor
Democrats Keep Getting Richer
Democrats Sneaking Anti Gun Laws Into Cybersecurity Bill
Department of Education worker arrested for 'obsession' with Batman killer
Dictator Obama Goes Around Senate Again
Divorce Rates Increasing In Asia
DNC Chair: Non-Compliance With Obamacare Will Not Be Tolerated
Does billboard comparing Obama to alleged shooter go too far?
Domestic Spying and Invasion of Privacy in Post-Sept. 11 America
Dont Be A Weiner
Dont Believe The Rhetoric Obama Care Cant Be Stopped
Dr. Doom Nouriel Roubini
Drones Will Dominate The Skies
Dumb Americans
Dumb Americans Dont Realize A Police State Is Being Built Around Them
Dumb Head On Collision
Economic Collapse
economy Obama Built That
Elizabeth Warren Socialist
EPA Does Use Drones Jon Stewart
European Banks Bankrupt
European Union Unleashed Drone Network
European Union Wakes Up To United Nations Control
Expert: Package to Holmes' psychiatrist may not be privileged
Face Of A Real Racist
False Security At Airports
Fast & Furious Protests White House
FBI Took Down Movie Theater Warning Attack
Feces Breaking Sanfrancisco Escalators
Federal Reserve
Federal Reserve Charter Renewed 2013
Federal Reserve Is A Private Company
Federal Reserves Last Bullet To Save The Economy
Fema Teaching American Founding Fathers Were Terrorists
Film President Kennedy Being Shot
Five 'jealous' wives rape Nigerian man to death
Florida Police Strip 15 Year Old
Food Prices Skyrocket In 2011
Food Prices To Skyrocket In 2013
Food Stamps Stimulate Economy
Former Citigroup CEO Weill Says Banks Should Be Broken Up
Fourth Amendment violation caught on tape
Frank Marshall Davis Obamas Mother
Free Trade Is A Lie
Garbage Men To Spy For Terrorists At RNC
GDP growth slows to 1.5 percent in June
General McChrystal Calls For Military Draft In United States
Ghost Of Ronald Reagan
Global Governance
Global War
Globalisation is already a reality today.
Google Sparks Outrage
Google: Didn't delete Street View data after all
Government Employees Protest In Spain
Government Preparing For Civil Unrest
Government Uses TSA To Intimidate Journalist
Great Depression Again CNBC Asks
Gun Bans Dont Work
Gun Confiscation In America
Gun Ranger Had Strange feeling About James Holmes
has reddish orange hair
Hillary Clinton Tells Cambodia Pay Your Debts
Holmes Acted Out 1986 Batman Comic
Holmes's mother suggests ABC News mischaracterized her statement
Homeland Security Report Lists American ‘Liberty Lovers’ As Terrorists
Hong Kong Shuts Down Popular Bird Market After Detecting Deadly H5N1 Virus
Hot Dog Police Strike Again
Houston Cop Arrested For Handcuffing and Raping Woman After Traffic Stop
How much will Obama care cost each individual?
How the Media Missed a Self-Defense Gun Story
How The New Wolrd Order Became Global Government
How To Avoid Another Batman Shooter
How to Nullify ObamaCare if You’ve Got the Guts
HSBC Launders Drug Money Funds Terrorists
Ice-T- Right To Bear Arms From Tyranny And Police
Im On Welfare Please Pay For My Cigarettes
Inmates Report James Holmes Acting Crazy Spitting On Guards
Innocent Man Arrested At Batman Movie
Internal documents shows Obama deportation proposal could cost more than $585M
Iran Computers Attacked By AC/DC Australian Band
Irish Man Rapes Mother On Mothers Day
Is This Aurora Theater Shooter James Holmes’ AdultFriendFinder Account?
Israel Pulling A Bush On Syria
It's A Tax
James Holmes Adult Friend Finder Pictures
James Holmes Aurora Colorado
James Holmes Fan Page
James Holmes Forced To Wear Hannibal Face Mask In Jail
James Holmes Had Batman Theme Music On Answering Machine
James Holmes Had Cryptic Message on Adult Friendfinder
James Holmes Reality Check
James Holmes Secret Messages On Tape
James Holmes Semi Automatic Assault Rifle Jammed
James Holmes Victim Of Obamanomics
James Holmes Was Seeing Psychiatrist
James Holmes Wrote And Made Mind Control Programs
James Holmes Zombie Dazed And Confused
James Joker Holmes Received $26K Grant
Jim Rogers Recession
Joker Suspect Was A Psychiatric Patient
Jon Lovitz to Obama about his Nobel Prize: 'You didn't earn that'
JP Morgan Loss Increases To 5.8 Billion Dollars
Judge Napolitano Fired for teaching the people about their rights and the constitution
Jumpy’ Audience Members Flee Batman Showing After Fight Breaks Out
Killing The Elderly Is Old News For Britains NHS
Lady Gaga tweets naked picture of herself
Left Wing Right Wing
London Cabbies Protest Over VIP Lanes
London Olympic Attacks 2012
Looks Like Obama Care Costs More Than They Said
Los Angeles Police Go On Rampage
Man Arrested After Washing Genitals in Park Drinking Fountain
Man Claims ‘World’s Largest Penis’ Patted Down By TSA
Man Set fire $400 million Dollar submarine on Medication
Maryland mass shooting suspect arrested
Mayor Bloomberg Says Cops Should Go On Strike Until Americans Give Up Their Guns
Mexican Officials Get RFID Chips
Micro-drones: The new face of cutting-edge warfare
Military Acting As Police
Mind Control Flicker TV
Mitch Daniels and The Indiana Toll Road
More Dumb Americans
More People Collect Disability Than Get Jobs In June
Movie massacre suspect sent chilling notebook to psychiatrist before attack
MSNBC Toure Obama Must Mandate More
Nancy Pelosi
New Castle Pennsylvania man accused of choking woman killing puppy
New Homeland Security Laser Scanner Reads People At Molecular Level
New Jersey Dark Knight' showing halted in Bergen County because of unusual activity near emergency door
New World Order
Nigel Farage Billionaire Yachts
Nigel Farage Goes Off On The European Union Parliament
No We dont want to be police of the world obama
Nouriel Roubini sticks to 'perfect storm' in 2013 prediction
NSA Spying On Every American Citizen
NSA whistleblowers: Government spying on every single American
Nude Body Scanners Dont Work
Obama calls for stricter Gun Control Laws
Obama Campaigning In China For Money
Obama Care 10 Myths
Obama Care Approves RFID Chips
Obama Care Can Cost Up To 9.5% Of Your Pay
Obama Care Costs To Businesses
Obama Care Mandate Struck Down
Obama Care Penalty Is Higher Than $695.00
Obama Care Protesters Attacked
Obama Care Repeating The Fraud Of 1913
Obama Care Starts At Around $10,000 Dollars
Obama Care Tax How Much You Will Pay
Obama Care Taxes Go To Federal Reserve
Obama Care Will Destroy Jobs
Obama Care Will Never Be Repealed
Obama Closes Border Stations
Obama Exploiting James Holmes Murders Gun Control
Obama Exports Middle Class Jobs And Cadilac To China
Obama Joker
Obama Keeps Out Sourcing Jobs
Obama Secretly Working With Globalist Companies
Obama Spends 3 Million Dollars Promoting Food Stamps To Spur Economy
Obama Staff Wont Admit Obama Care Is Tax
Obama Supporter Interviews Self In 2008 And 2012
Obama Talking Gun Control After Aurora Batman Killings
Obama To cut Nuclear Missile Heads
Obama To Soldiers Pay Up
Obama Tribute To His Mother
Obama Waives Heart Of Welfare Reform
Obama Widens China Trade Fight in Auto Levy Complaint
Obama Will Sign United Nations Gun Ban Treaty
Obama's Real Father
Obama's Real Father And Mother
Obamas Brother
Obamas Puppet Master
Obamas Real Mom
Oops!… Obama’s Top Bundler Jonathan Lavine Was In Charge of Bain During GST Steel Layoffs
Open war in the South China Sea
Pawlenty Will Be vice President
Pennsylvania State Police Torture Man In Pennsylvania
Petraeus CIA Smart Gadgets Spy On People
Piranha attacks man in China
Police abuse beat rape kill unarmed Citizens
Police Blotter
Police giving out free drugs to occupy protesters
Police Had Prior Warning of Batman Massacre
Police State Billboards To Scan Your Face
Police State Oregon Man Arrested For Collecting Rain Water
Police Will Get Secret Government Scanners
Possible serial foot-licker in custody blames Obama
Post Office Nears First Default in Its History
President Obamas executive order illegal aliens can break law
Proof Europe Is The Revised Roman Empire
Proof United Nations Wants Ban American Guns
Prostitution Legal Worldwide?
Putin Plays Cold War Games With Obama
Rahm Emanuel Louis Farrakahn Chicago's Best Friends
raising alarm among gun rights advocates
Real Time Disaster Map
Red Level Alert: America Under Siege
Republicans Already Saying They Cant Repeal Obama Care
Rich Americans Flocking Out Of The Country
Rockefeller We Want Everyone Chipped
Ron Pauls Fake Audit The Federal Reserve Bill
Russia Is Stockpiling Drones to Spy on Street Protests
Russia Wants Navy Base In Cuba
Samsung TV's Spying You Might Be Surprised
Satan Will Rule Europe
School Bus Bully Caught On tape
School Held Theater Shooting Exercise On Same Day as Massacre in Aurora
Scranton Pennsylvania Broke
Seattle agree to police reforms
Skeptics put the freeze on NASA 'hot air' about Greenland ice
Skype makes chats and user data more available to police
Slaying suspects had 'sex dungeon
Smart Meters Cause Health Problems And Spy
Some People Are Dumber
Spy Street Lights Agenda 21
State Police troopers were called in to help maintain order in the mostly senior-citizen community
States Want To Tax You For Every Mile You Drive
Steny Hoyer Doesnt Want Federal Reserve Audited
student facing charges after emailing picture of the Joker to school administrator
Sudan Riots 2012
Syria Breaks Out The Chemical Weapons
the Air Force Paid $59 for Biofuel
The Economist 75% Of Obamacare Falls On Middle Class
The New Economy
The Real Unemployment Rate
The Story Of Stuff
These Laws Are Actually Meant For Anyone
Timothy Mcveigh Had Government RFID Chip
Tiny Apartments Inhumane
Top 10 Cities For Murders
Top 2 Obama Songs
Trans Pacific Partnership Corporate Escape From Accountability
Treasury probe cites officials for soliciting prostitutes
TSA Abuse Deaf Man In Kentucky
TSA Agents Allegedly Fiddle with Feeding Tube
TSA At Train Stations Oceanside California
UFO sightings in Canada reach record high of THREE a day
UK economy contracts by a shock 0.7pc
UN arms trade deal blocked by key nations
Under Age Girl Gang Raped By School Boys
United Kingdom Prisons People With No Trial Or Jury
United Nations Gun Ban Treaty Farce
United Nations Gun Ban Treaty Not Signed
United Nations Gun Ban United States
United Nations Small Arms Farce
United Nations Steals Land In Africa
United States Government Sold You Out In 1976
University Of Colorado Hiding James Holmes Information?
US 10-Year Yields Sink to Record Low on Spain
US Economy Going from Bad to Worse: Roubini
US Government behind Underwear Bomber
USDA partnering with Mexico to boost food stamp participation
Utopia Mega Regions
Video James Holmes Lecture Miramar College Mind Control
Warning: The Supreme Court May Be Hazardous To Your Health
We Now Work For The Central Banks
Welfare Statistics
West Virginia Man Made Wife Slave
What Is Taking Place Today
What Your Leaders Write But Never Say
When Central Banks Rule The World
which killed 50 to 60 children
Who Controls The Media
Who Wrote Obama Care
Who's Social Security Number Is Barrack Obama Using
Why I own an assault rifle
Why Obama Care Is Evil
Witness Someone Let James Holmes In Movie Theater
Workers on Disability Set Another Record in July
World War Three
Worldwide Warning
You Been Warned
You Will Be Taxed Per Mile Driven
You Will Get A RFID Chip
You would be nothing without the state
Zombie James Joker Holmes claims amnesia
’ An Electronic ID Chip Assigned To Every Person At Birth
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July 2012
June 2012