The body scanners at the airport don’t work, how about that.
And Will Lose Their Freedom
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- quoted on Steve Quayle – HOT HEADLINES: July 26, 2012 « 1blueraven on James Holmes Wrote And Made Mind Control Programs
- quoted on James Holmes Wrote And Made Mind Control Programs « Why Americans Are Dumb « An Alchemist's Journey…. on James Holmes Wrote And Made Mind Control Programs
- quoted on How The New World Order Was Made | American Police State USA on New World Order
- quoted on Utopia Mega Regions | Bill Cooper Report on California High Speed Rail
- quoted on Utopia Mega Regions | Bill Cooper Report on Obama Secretly Working With Globalist Companies
Ben Bernanke Congress Should Take Power From Federal Reserve
James Holmes Wrote And Made Mind Control Programs

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- Worldwide Warning
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- You Will Be Taxed Per Mile Driven
- You Will Get A RFID Chip
- You would be nothing without the state
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- ’ An Electronic ID Chip Assigned To Every Person At Birth
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