Keep Paying America You Will Collapse
Americans are forced to pay for illegal aliens healthcare like it or not, along with welfare benefits.
Illegal immigration costs California over ten billion annually in healthcare alone.
Meanwhile, if your young, and in good health, your forced to pay a tax under Obamacare. If you don’t go to the doctor that year, your tax dollars will pay for an illegal aliens free healthcare. Because you don’t get that money back even if you do not use the services. This is called spreading the wealth around. Half of all illegal immigrants are on welfare and your tax dollars
are paying for their housing food and so on. Meanwhile, your roads and services grow worse each year because states must take money away from programs to support illegal aliens.
Obama signed executive order 2012-06 granting work permits to millions of illegal aliens. Now you must compete against millions of newly created workers for jobs, when the economy is in a ditch and, getting ready to fall off a cliff.
Granting non skilled illegal aliens or any unskilled workers to America at this time isn’t sustainable. Working with foreign governments to promote food stamps for illegals should be a crime.
Meanwhile the border is left wide open for anybody to walk across, and they take your rights away under the threat of terrorists. Are you that dumb Americans? Meanwhile your tax dollars pay for blocking North Koreans from walking across the border into South Korea, yet America’s southern border is wide open for anyone to walk across including terrorists. Meanwhile DHS admits Terrorists come into America through Mexico. But that’s OK, those are the future American slaves who will become dependent on the Government and keep voting in their slave masters.
Americans can now say that their Government isn’t working for them. America’s Government allows terrorists to come into the country by walking across the US Mexican border. America’s government
is working with foreign countries teaching illegals how to get free food stamps and welfare. Meanwhile Mexico’s southern border is closed off by the military, Americas border is wide open to cross.
Americans are now forced to pay for the millions who already crossed into the US illegally, and now Americans have to deal with less services, pay higher taxes and adjust to a lower standard of living. Remember if you
cross illegally into Mexico you will be jailed and deported. You will not get free housing, free food stamps, a drivers license or a free education.
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