Hawaii Lunatic Activist: Active Duty Military All Psychopathic Murderers

Hawaii Lunatic Activist: Active Duty Military All Psychopathic Murderers

August 26, 2012

Activists Plan Ways to Undermine Firearms Ownership in Hawaii
AMES MACEY – I attended a meeting on Wednesday, August 8, at the Hawaii State Capital facilitated by State Rep. John Mizuno.
Rep. Mizuno called this special meeting with the Board of Gandhi International Institute for Peace, law officials and community leaders to discuss preventing violence in our community.
In attendance were about 10 community “peace and non-violence” activist. The lead activist was Raj Kumar, Ph.D., President Gandhi International Institute for Peace.
The purpose of the meeting was designed to get a core group together to start a “grassroots campaign” to convince state lawmakers and the public to enact new gun laws and restrictions and/or ban.

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