Virginia Farmers With Pitch Forks Revolt Against local Government

Virginia Farmers With Pitch Forks Revolt Against local Government

August 10, 2012

Pitchfork-wielding Virginia farmers rally against birthday party fine

Perry Chiaramonte
Fox News

Pitchfork-wielding Virginia farmers rallied to support a woman who claims local officials came down on her for, among other things, hosting a children’s birthday party on her spread.

Martha Boneta, owner of Liberty Farms in the northern village of Paris, was threatened with nearly $5,000 in fines when for selling produce and crafts and throwing unlicensed events, including a birthday party for her best friend’s child. She told she wasn’t doing anything are farmers haven’t done for generations, and at a recent zoning board meeting, her agrarian friends literally showed up with pitchforks to show their support.

“It’s rather odd that I’m the only farmer in the county having these issues,” Boneta said. “It’s customary to do these things. It’s done through on farms throughout Virginia to help farming and agriculture.”

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