America 2040 Living In The Grid

America 2040 Living In The Grid
By TJ Adams

America 2040 Utopia mega regions is an world governance system planned for many regions across the United States. On paper they make it sound as if it will bring growth and jobs. Mega regions are sold on convenience, sustainability, lower costs.

They say “boundaries began to blur, creating a new scale of geography now known as the megaregion”. What they really mean is sprawl is not sustainable. They go on to say “As continued population growth and low density settlement patterns place increasing pressure on these systems, there is greater impetus to coordinate policy at this expanded scale”. What this means is that people will have to move within a mega region set by boundaries they choose. You will not be allowed to live in the outer zones of these mega regions.
They say “Most of the nation’s rapid population growth, and an even larger share of its economic expansion, is expected to occur in 10 or more emerging mega regions: large networks of metropolitan regions, each mega region covering thousands of square miles and located in every part of the country”. These are actually large zones they set up. Everything will be inside these regions/hubs, industry, schools, hospitals, limited homes, only for the rich. Most people will live in apartments which they call sustainable living apartments or micro apartments. New York city is planning on building these micro apartment, other countries call these micro apartments Inhumane. The bankers and your politicians have allowed companies to form SPP to buy all the infrastructure in these areas. Water plants, sewer, trash collection, high speed rail and regular transportation rail. These mega regions will be connected by high speed rail which is not sustainable the true global cost of high speed rail will cost the public dearly in tax subsidies for the private companies who own the rail systems. Your water bill, sewer bills will go to private companies who may be located outside of the United States. These companies will raise prices and skim off the top and make a profit.

They say The five major categories of relationships that define mega regions are:

• Environmental systems and topography – Means global private companies will dictate to you how to sort your trash or you will be forced with a fine to comply. Paper goes here, plastic goes here. You cannot collect water off your own land, they will dictate what you can, and cannot grow in your garden, or if your allowed to have an garden at all.
• Infrastructure systems – Basically all your utilities, transportation all run by private companies ect ect
• Economic linkages – Rail and bicycle routes, with less regard to roads, force people to global company owned mass transit.
• Settlement patterns and land use – Dictate where you live and what you can do with your land and they decide how the land will be used, not the community or average citizen.
• Shared culture and history – Teach children about other people’s and be forced to accept others culture and languages and laws. Meaning America will allow Sharia law and other laws to be implemented. Quota’s, as to each race living in a sustainable apartment. Example – certain percentage of black,s Caucasians, Latinos, to each building.

As in NY city they will start to tell you what cooking oil you can use. You will not be allowed to smoke in your own home. Limit how large of a soda you can buy. No salt allowed in restaurants, and the list goes on.

Car prices will increase and your average person wont be able to afford a car. Purpose is to make all people use a private companies transport system, buses, trains and so on.(forced false capitalism) Or socialism.

People will will be stopped and searched at all activities outside their home. Monitored while in the home.
If you travel you will be scanned or searched before your allowed to go on public transportation which is now owned by companies and not the city or mega region.
All Americans will be required to have a RFID chip. Purpose for buying and selling goods, healthcare, and for travel. Cash will be gone.

Parks and scenic areas will be off limits to the general public and used only by elite and or government people.

They say “While every mega region may not share every one of these characteristics, the possession of several indicates a stronger and more cohesive mega region”. The Northeast Megalopolis, identified as early as 1961 by geographer Jean Gottman. Who is Jean Gottman? he became a paradigm in urban geography and planning to define polinuclear global city-regions. Notice global cities. He also went to Princeton by receiving a Rockefeller fellowship. He worked at the United Nations 2 years as an international officer.

They state “challenges span regional boundaries Across the nation, community leaders, businesses, and policymakers are confronted by challenges that affect their cities and neighborhoods but which cannot be solved by actions taken solely at the city or metropolitan scale”. This means global companies will work with local politicians in the control and policies made for your mega region with ownership to global companies. They say “Protecting public watersheds that span multiple state and regional boundaries is one example of a challenge that requires coordination at the mega regional scale”. This sounds great, your water is being protected, wrong. It means the private companies will own the water sheds and you will be forced to pay tax on the water and, another tax on the discarded water from toilets, showers and so on. These people make no secret as what the real plan is. It’s socialism and control of your city and, its resources by global companies. In their own words they have called for global taxes on water and discarded water. They haven’t come to full terms as how and what will be used as a global tax. We believe resources and carbon credits will end up being a global tax.

They write “The recognition of emerging mega regions enables cooperation across jurisdictional borders to address specific challenges experienced at this scale”. This means country borders, state borders, county borders and so on. They go on to say “One way mega regions can prepare for future population pressures is by marshaling resources to make bold investments in high-speed rail and other mobility infrastructure”. High speed rail is not sustainable and every country who has high speed rail has to subsidize it with the peoples tax dollars. Other mobility infrastructure refers to bicycle routes. Remember roads are not sustainable to them, besides your gas taxes are now going to the IMF. Many roads now have tolls on them but who owns the roads? international companies. You pay for a gasoline tax which is suppose to pay for roads, but now your government has sold the roads off to international companies who charge you a toll. They go on to say “protecting environmental resources, coordinating economic development strategies, and making land use decisions that comprehend all of these”. This Means shutting down coal companies, coal power plants, unless owned by globalist companies of their picking, such as GE.

Below they write – Global Integration Zones Are Competitive Unit. This means it has nothing to do with the citizen and only global companies. They decide if a rare earth minerals plant is put in your neighborhood. Remember the TPP trade deal isn’t a trade deal, Obama is secretly working with these globalists, it’s to allow companies to sue other countries governments over regulation. Meaning, if the cost is to much in the United States for a foreign company because of environmental laws they can change them.

Global Integration Zones Are the New Competitive Unit
They claim – “Our competitors in Asia and Europe are creating Global Integration Zones by linking specialized economic functions across vast geographic areas and national boundaries with high-speed rail and separated goods movement systems. The increased mobility of workers, business travelers, information, and goods between the networked cities of these mega regions enables greater collaboration, flexibility, and innovation. Efficient mobility is also a competitive advantage in the global playing field, where value is created by time savings”. This is all hog wash. It’s written to scare you into thinking we are lacking. Again, almost all high speed rail is subsidized and does not pay for its self. These so called zones are actually economic zones made by partnerships with governments and global companies. They are made to bring in low wage workers from nearby countries who do not get the protection as their own citizens under working conditions. In other words they bring in foreign workers at a lower pay to work in these economic zones. The companies pay little in taxes or none. The economic zones are set up for global companies. Global research are done from these zones and the governments get first hand knowledge of new break through.

They say “The limited capacity to move goods quickly and “on demand” is a serious obstacle that firms face in congested regions. Efficiently providing these services in a constrained and congested transportation system is among the greatest challenges for businesses trying to compete in the global economy. This challenge can be met with coordinated new investments in infrastructure development at the mega regional scale”. This means getting people off the roads and, making it expensive to drive for the average citizen. It means to clear out areas of the population to make a direct path from one mega region to the other. They will have to take peoples farm land, up root small towns and, move the people into the mega region. They will make mega trans highways used for shipping goods from one country to the other and, from mega region to mega region.

They go on to say “The recognition of the mega region as an emerging geographical unit also presents an opportunity to reshape large federal systems of infrastructure and funding, (They are selling out your infrastructure to foreign companies see bill HR 7.)such as future surface transportation bills, (HR 7) the reorganization of Amtrak, housing and urban development authorizations, and farm policy. Just as the Interstate Highway System enabled the growth of metropolitan regions during the second half of the 20th century, emerging mega regions will require new transportation modes that work for places 200-500 miles across. The key new links in this mobility system are likely to be High-Speed Rail (HSR) lines, which are uniquely suited to trips of this length”. As you see this is a push to make Americans dependent upon them. Their will be nothing between these mega regions. No people, they are set up for animals and wild life, and only large corporate farmers.

They go on to say “The metropolitan legs of the Interstate Highway System will continue to play an important role but must be better managed through smart highway tolling and information systems designed to reduce congestion and increase reliability, speed, and capacity”. Your gasoline tax pays for the interstate highway system why the tolls? Also when international companies buy large sections of highway, roads in that region are not made as to keep the people paying a toll by driving on their toll roads only. Many governors like Mitch Daniels have sold off the highway system to foreign companies who work for profit. The profits come from the tolls you pay on top of the gasoline tax you pay which is being funneled out the back door to the IMF.

They go on to say “In addition, new freight systems will be needed to meet growing goods movement needs, including Truck-Only Toll (TOT) lanes on key interstate highway corridors, linked to improved rail freight systems and airports and seaports.( This is made to bring in goods from Mexico faster to the mega regions everyone will be forced to live on) These improvements will create new capacity, making the nation’s goods movement system more efficient and reliable as it becomes increasingly integrated with global markets. This, in turn, will pave the way for a dramatic expansion of the nation’s logistics sector, providing new jobs to make up for losses in the ailing U.S. manufacturing sector”. The real purpose is to make it cheaper and easier for global companies to move goods into the country and out of the country, subsidized by tax dollars. Expansion of anything depends on real capitalism and not forced or pretend capitalism. How this will make jobs is not seen. There will not be toll road workers. It will be done by a electronic chip that is placed in cars and trucks. They simply deduct the toll road cost from your bank account. Most of it will be automated.

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