NSA whistleblowers: Government spying on every single American

NSA whistleblowers Government spying on every single American

July 25, 2012

NSA whistleblowers: Government spying on every single American
25 July, 2012
Reuters/Jason Reed

The TSA, DHS and countless other security agencies have been established to keep America safe from terrorist attacks in post-9/11 America. How far beyond that does the feds’ reach really go, though?

Sunset at the NSA's big abandoned ear
ekai / Foter

The attacks of September 11, 2001 were instrumental in getting the US government to establish counterterrorism agencies to curb future tragedies. Some officials say that they haven’t stopped there, though, and are spying on everyone in America.

Testimonies delivered in recent weeks by former employees of the National Security Agency suggest that the government is going beyond what most of America thinks they do in order to keep the country terrorist-free. Former NSA staffers even say that theirs old agency has actually been spying on the entire country — all in the name of national security.

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