Obama Lies Tells Pueblo Colorado Voters Car Bailout Was Success

Obama lies, Tells Pueblo Colorado Voters Car Bailout Was Success

August 10, 2012

Obama lies, Tells Pueblo Colorado Voters Car Bailout Was Success.
Pueblo Colorado voters were fooled like the dumb Americans they are. Colorado voters sat back
and cheered as Obama talked about a bail out that wasn’t really successful. In fact, GM will build new car plants in China with stimulus money, GM still owes the American tax payers millions.

Obama probably forgot to tell Pueblo Colorado Voters GM Chevy Volt is Moving to China. That’s not all.

A Chinese firm may control Obama stimulus recipient A 123 systems, it’s selling it’s battery patents to China. Again your tax dollars paid for this company, and they are selling out to the Chinese, pushing more middle class jobs out of America. Lets not forget Cadillac, they to are moving to China, more gutting of American middle class jobs.

As Obama ships Cadillac to China he will keep telling you he is for making jobs for the middle class, and dumb Americans will believe him.
Obama will keep telling you green is the answer and never mention almost every green start up company which used stimulus money, has gone out of business.
Obama says, lets build the economy from the middle up, he is if you live in China.


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